WHS legislation states that all employees who are regularly exposed to noise that is in excess of the exposure standard and are required to wear hearing protection, should have a hearing test at least every two years.


Minus 3dB Onsite Workplace Audiometric Screening Adelaide.

Mobile hearing tests that are able to be carried out on-site at a time that suits you and your shift requirements using a custom built Air-conditioned Mobile Sound Proof Booth. This facility conforms to specifications laid out in Appendix C to AS/NZS 1269.4-2014 for Maximum Acceptable Background Noise Levels for Audiometry.

Our Mobile Hearing Test procedures and assessment of results are performed under the requirements set out in Paragraphs 8 and 9 respectively.

Minus 3dB use the latest Interacoustic Diagnostic Audiometric equipment and Workplace Audiometrics software to provide clients with the most up to date and accurate Audiometric tests and reports.

To provide continuity of your Audiometric Testing program, previous records can be added to our Workplace Audiometrics software program.

Minus 3dB supply clients with electronic copies of all Hearing Test Reports/Results, for both Reference/baseline and Monitoring hearing tests.

Employee letters explaining their hearing test result, along with a copy of their Audiogram are available to be given to the employee at the time of their test.

Download a sample Employee Letter & Audiogram
Download a sample Company Report

Minus 3dB are committed to help you minimise workplace disruption and make our Mobile Hearing Testing cost effective.